Term 2 Week 6 - 2nd June 2023

Reconciliation Week 

On Saturday, the 27th of May, Australia saw the commencement of this year’s Reconciliation Week. As part of this, all year levels participated in a Reconciliation Week lesson in their Religious Education class. This lesson was held within the College yarning circle, where students learnt about the meaning and importance of reconciliation within Australia.

Our College had many activities throughout the week in recognition of Reconciliation Week:

On Tuesday - Staff and students participated in our Reconciliation walk around the school during recess time.

On Wednesday - A video was prepared for our assembly explaining the importance of Reconciliation Week. The video featured students talking about what Reconciliation means to them and, what do they want a reconciled future, to look like. Then some of our teachers gave pieces of advice to our future generations.

On Thursday - We held our annual fundraiser for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, selling cans of drinks at recess. Raising a total of - $334.50. Well done SJRC!

To round off the week, today our College participated in Reconciliation Australia’s Voices For Generations - National Reconciliation Week Choirs. We gave all staff and students the opportunity to join together to sing, Paul Kelly’s, ‘From Little Things Big Things Grow’. This was filmed and will be uploaded to our school social media using the tags #NRW2023Voices & #VoicesforGenerations and to the Reconciliation Australia’s Voices for Generations Facebook event https://fb.me/e/1czDvTATK
For more information go to: https://nrw.reconciliation.org.au/voices-for-generations-choirs/

Reconciliation Video


Reconciliation Walk


Principal's Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received Principal's Awards at this week's Assembly.



Safeguarding Commitment Statement

Our school, as part of the Diocese of Lismore Catholic Schools Limited (DLCSL), like all child-safe organisations, is implementing the Child Safe Standards. As a part of this work, we share our Child Safeguarding Commitment Statement which reinforces our dedication to the safety and wellbeing of all children.

Please take the time to read the commitment statement and if you have any questions please discuss with the school leadership team. We will continue to engage with you on this important matter.

Mrs Tanya Daley

Web Article Administration News Principal's Message Student Welfare Indigenous Education Awards

Cohort Meetings

Hands_off.jpgAll year groups came together this morning for cohort meetings to conclude the week. The meetings opened with a special Reconciliation Week Acknowledge of Country and Reconciliation Prayer. Students were also reminded of the College's Hands Off Policy, as there has been a spike in Hands Off incidents this week.
Student safety is our first concern at school at all times. We appreciate parental support in working in partnership with us to resolve these matters when they occur. We also acknowledge that a reflective education approach is the right way to approach a situation when a young person inadvertently harms a peer. We kindly request that all parents reinforce at home the need for clear physical boundaries in peer interactions at all times, especially as they relate to rough play.

Mrs Jennifer Furney
Assistant Principal- Pastoral Care

Student Welfare Assistant Principal - Pastoral

Changes to your School’s Bus Service

Busways.pngBusways have advised us of changes to the School’s Bus Services as a result of the temporary closure of Little Morton’s Creek Bridge on Mortons Creek Rd, commencing Monday 12th June 2023.

The below letters will be distributed to students on the affected Busways services. Further notification will be provided as soon as Port Macquarie Hastings Council advise Busways that the bridge construction has been completed and bus services can return to normal operations.

For further information please contact Busways Customer Service at 1300 69 2929 or Infoline@busways.com.au.

Alternatively, you can view all of your schools timetabled services at: https://www.busways.com.au/nsw/school-services/school-timetables and select the link adjacent to your schools name; “New timetable | 12 June 2023”.

Administration News Traffic Management

As we enter another assessment cycle across Years 7-12, here are a few helpful hints to assist children prepare for each task in a timely manner, allowing for their resilience to be strengthened and in preparation for the transition from school to post-secondary education and the workforce:

  • Organisation: Check with your child on any assessments that are occurring over the next three weeks. Each child will be given an assessment notification which outlines the nature of the assessment. The task notification, for example, will detail if it is it an in-class task or a hand in style task.
  • Preparation: Assessments need a period of preparation, to not only ensure your child achieves a result in line with their current capabilities, but to reduce the anxiety that may occur with some assessments. Preparation ensures the assessment cycle is manageable for your child.
  • Clarity: Check to see if your child understands what is required for the assessment. Chances are, if they can’t clearly explain the assessment to you, then they themselves are probably uncertain. If this is the case, ask them to talk to their teacher to clarify those misunderstandings they may have.
  • Routines: Good regular routines about when assessment work is completed and how to prepare for in-class task, help make good habits over time and progressively makes each assessment cycle more manageable than the previous ones.
  • College support: Each afternoon Monday to Thursday the library is open after school for supervised study and assessment work. This is a great quiet place where students can complete their homework, assessment work and study for upcoming exams. Over the next three weeks the library will stay open until 5 pm. Additionally, encourage your child to seek advice and assistance from their teacher, especially if there is any uncertainty regarding what is expected or how to prepare.
  • Balance: Sport, family time and relaxation are critical to helping your child balance the demands of schooling and provides much needed downtime that we all need. Encourage your child to maintain balance and enjoy all facets of life.

Finally, arguably the biggest factor that will help your child navigate the demands of school and prepare for a successful transition to the workplace is regular attendance at school. Just as we are expected to attend work (allowing for bouts of illness and unexpected interruptions), students are required to be in attendance at school. Habits formed over time make this a more manageable demand. Attendance at school in many ways is a habit children form over time. For example, a regular one day off a week pattern will become ingrained and harder to break over time. The information below is from an NSW Department of Education report into the impact of increased levels of absenteeism on a student’s performance, released in 2022.

What is attendance and non-attendance and why does it matter?

School attendance impacts students’ academic achievement and other long-term outcomes

  • Non-attendance is linked with poorer academic achievement and long-term student outcomes.
  • Higher rates of absences have been associated with lower NAPLAN scores (and this flows through to assessment performance more broadly and HSC performance specifically).
  • The association between absences and achievement is stronger among students in disadvantaged schools.
  • Unauthorised absences have a greater impact on achievement than authorised absences.
  • In NSW, students who report positive attendance behaviours in Year 7 are on average 3 months ahead in their learning by Year 9, compared with students who have poor attendance behaviours (this gap in learning continues to increase overtime).


The effect of attendance behaviours in Year 7 on Year 9 NAPLAN reading scores (CESE 2017:6)

  • Students’ prior attendance is a strong predictor of their future attendance. A student’s attendance patterns may be established in early primary school, with school readiness being an important protective factor.
  • Students with chronic absenteeism are more likely to drop out of school and experience poorer long-term health and social outcomes.
    Increased risk of social isolation from peers, school and community

Understanding Attendance: A review of drivers of school attendance and best practice approaches (NSW Department of Education 2022)

Our aim at the College is to support your child(ren) navigate this critical phase of their life and ensure they have has many options as possible as they enter the next stage of their journey into the workplace or post-secondary education.

Mr Ian Lutton
Assistant Principal- Learning and Teaching 

Web Article Curriculum Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching Mass and Liturgies

Spotlight on Irene McCormack from Assembly.


This week, we heard from two students from Oxley, about their Justice patron for 2023. Here is what they presented:

Sister Irene McCormack was born in Western Australia on 21 August 1938 and grew up on a farm near Trayning. During her time at school she developed two great loves: love of God and love of teaching. By 15 she had decided to devote her life to God and to serving others. And after leaving school she joined the Sisters of St Joseph (the Josephites). She trained as a teacher and was a teacher in Western Australia for the next 30 years. Irene was a popular teacher and principal, but also known as feisty and demanding. She was an accomplished golfer and tennis player.

The young people of Catholic College, Perth, tell her story in these words:
“In the mid-1980’s Irene experienced a real dilemma with her vocation. She felt she had to volunteer to work with the most needy in order to be true to herself. She continually proclaimed about mission in the Church - to be an active part of the Global church. For that to have any value for her she felt she had to put her feet where her mouth was! The quote we have on our poster today captures this: “I have come to understand that effective action is a way of loving.”

Irene was “missioned to Peru” and arrived there in 1987. She was appointed to the rural district Huasahuasi (pronounced Whasa-whasi) in 1989. She took up the challenge of ministering to the impoverished.

For political reasons Communist rebels, the Shining Path, did not welcome missionaries and despite recognising the danger Irene and her fellow sisters continued to work with and for the village people, “I really believe and have experienced that the more committed you are the freer you are.” On the 21st of May 1991, Irene’s fears were realised when she and four others were dragged to the village square, told to lie face down and executed.

We know that Irene was frightened during her time in Whasa-whasi. We also know that during a retreat in January 1991 she experienced the gift of trust more deeply than ever before. She made a clay object in the shape of an open book on which she wrote the words in Spanish: “I Yahweh was from the beginning and will be until the end”, not distant, but with her.

After the retreat she wrote to a friend, “Thanks be to God I feel at peace and ready to live without fear. But I don’t take this grace lightly. I pray for it every day.”

Sr_Mc.pngIrene, in some ways, is a martyr, as she died for what she believed in. She is listed among the martyrs of Peru.

Sr Irene McCormack is the Patron of a College in Perth and is a house patron at a number of Josephite schools around the country.

As our Oxley House patron for Justice we can draw inspiration from her courage and commitment to serving the poor, no matter the cost. We can choose to stand up for those who are being treated unjustly.

Trinity Sunday


This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. It is a special Sunday in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. It is celebrated on the Sunday following Pentecost, commemorating the central mystery of the Christian faith—the Holy Trinity. On this day, Catholics honor and reflect upon the belief in the three persons of God: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

During the Mass, the readings often include passages from the Old and New Testaments that highlight the presence and work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in salvation history.

Trinity Sunday serves as a reminder of the essential Christian belief in the Trinity and its implications for believers' spiritual lives. It invites Catholics to contemplate the infinite love and unity shared among the three persons of the Trinity and encourages them to seek a deeper relationship with each person of the Godhead. The feast also serves as a call to embrace the divine attributes of love, unity, and community in their own lives and relationships, mirroring the perfect communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God For Us, we call You Father,
God Alongside Us, we call You Jesus,
God Within Us, we call You Holy Spirit.
You are the Eternal Mystery
That enables, enfolds, and enlivens all things,
Even us, and even me.
Every name falls short of your Goodness and Greatness.
We can only see who You are in what is.
We ask for such perfect seeing.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.
- Richard Rohr, OFM

Mass last week 

On Sunday we had another opportunity for members of our College community to serve within our broader St Agnes Parish community. We had over 30 college representatives in staff and students at the Sunday 5:00pm Mass. We welcomed parishioners as they arrived, proclaimed the word, ministered for Holy Communion, took the collections and provided music ministry. Mrs Daley was also able to share a bit about our College. After Mass, we then provide hospitality in the form of food and drinks. It was pleasing to see so many people stay back to share in the food provided by our school.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the students and staff who came along to help out - you were a true credit to our College and you demonstrated wonderful servant leadership.

We hope this becomes a regular feature each term and we will extend more invitations when the time comes in Term 3.


The Vinnies Winter Appeal


This year, the Vinnies Winter Appeal focuses on the issue of older women experiencing homelessness. Our school’s contributions to the Winter Appeal will allow Vinnies to continue supporting older women who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, to have access to the support they need to get back on their feet and to be safe and well.

The latest census figures revealed women over 55 remain one of the most at-risk demographics, increasing by 37% over the past decade to more than 7,300 across Australia.

In this, our Year of Justice, we can draw inspiration from our Justice patrons - St Vincent de Paul but also St Mother Teresa, St Mary MacKillop and Irene McCormack - all of whom lived lives devoted to helping the poor and outcast. Supporting this cause means that we are living out the corporal works of mercy.

  • Joining in our Vinnies Sleepout: This will be held early in Term 3 on Friday, the 28th of July. It will be hosted at Newman Senior Technical College. This is a night of fun and games but provides a meaningful experience of understanding what it could be like to have to sleep rough.

A Week of Family Prayers

Worshipping as a family is a beautiful practice to embed in our homes. Carving out just 10 minutes a day to come together, sit in peace, read God’s word or share a prayer for others and our world can bring many blessings into our lives. We gain a sense of peace when we simply stop and be together in prayer. We come closer together as a family founded on love when we pray with compassion for ourselves and others. We bring God into our family life when we hear his words and talk about what it might mean as we live our daily lives.
Here’s a simple guide for A Week of Family Prayer that you might use to inspire a week of worship in your home.

St Agnes' Church Gospel Reflections 

Fr Paul Gooley is continuing to provide Gospel readings and reflections via email and online Monday to Saturday for those interested in connecting with their faith in this way.

Click to watch Fr Paul's Gospel Readings and Reflections.

St Agnes' Parish News Bulletin

Each week the Parish produces a news bulletin. In this week’s bulletin:

  • SJFS celebrates 50 Years!
  • Reflection on Pentecost
  • SACAL Art and Craft Exhibition
  • Planned Giving - change of contact details
  • Prayers for those celebrating their First Communion 3-4 June
  • Vinnies Winter Appeal -18 June
  • Spirituality in the Pub and on the Sofa
  • Camino Pilgrimage Sept - Oct 2024
  • Wool donations needed for Wraps with Love
  • Mass times

Click to read this week's Parish News Bulletin

Mr Matthew Bushe
Assistant Principal- Mission
Assistant Principal - Mission Evangelisation SJRC in the Community

Ignite registration deadline extended to Wednesday 7th June 2023.

This year, the trip will again be subsidised by the CSO to make it more affordable and accessible. The total cost to students will be $250.00 (non-refundable without a replacement participant). This cost will include travel, accommodation, registration, and most meals. Great value for those willing to go at the start of their holidays!
To secure a place on the trip, students will need to complete the online registration (using coupon code) and return the attached forms with payment of $250 to the front office by Wednesday 7th June as a commitment to the organisation is required. Places may be limited in 2023 so payment must be made before the due date to secure a place.

Instructions to register for the event

  1. Register online - go to https://app.tickets.org.au/iy/IC23BNE
    Enter Coupon Code: ProclaimLismore
    Ticket Name: Proclaim Lismore – Ignite High
    Ticket Price: $0 at checkout ($250 paid to your school office)
    To access your ticket, enter the coupon code (ProclaimLismore) into the coupon code box at the top of the ticket options FIRST. This will reveal the $0 ticket. Once you have selected your quantity of tickets, click ‘Register’ at the bottom of the page and complete the order details as usual.
  2. Return this form with payment of $250.00 to the school office by Wednesday 7th June.
  3. Complete the online permission form that will be emailed to you by the school excursions team after payment has been received.
Mr Shane Hyland
Leader of Evangelisation


Festa Christi is a gathering for selected Year 8 students from parish secondary schools in the Diocese to celebrate their faith at a Diocesan level.

The two-day retreat experience involves activities that focus on ‘walking in another person’s shoes’, having the students overcoming their fears and gaining a greater awareness of social justice. Festa Christi allows time for prayer and reflection and concludes with the celebration of the Eucharist. The program has been geared to meet the needs of Year 8 students.

The gathering will be an overnight experience which will allow relationships to be built with other students from throughout the Diocese, as well as a chance for students to talk and share about their faith journey.

What: Festa Christi – a youth gathering for students from every parish school in the northern region of the Diocese.
Boy’s Retreat: Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd August, 2023
Girl’s Retreat: Wednesday 3rd – Friday 4th August, 2023
Where: Coffs Coast Adventure Centre, Bonville
Cost: Nil. All transport, food and accommodation expenses will be met by the Catholic Schools Office.

In discerning which students might participate in this retreat experience, the CSO has recommended the following guidelines:

  • Faith filled and eager to share the love of Jesus
  • Regularly attend their parish Mass
  • Are involved in some other form of church participation either at school or in the parish (for example Vinnies conference, altar serving)
  • Students who are interested and willing to learn more about the Christian faith and to grow in this area.

A large number of SJRC students have already expressed an interest in this event. We can, however, only offer a limited number of places. Any student who would like to be considered is asked to write a brief statement supporting their nomination on the information sheets provided by Mr Hyland or Emily, and available at the front office. Attention should be given to the stated selection criteria. Nominations should be handed to the front office no later than Friday 9th June, 2023.

Mr Shane Hyland
Leader of Evangelisation


Wildfire Announcement Video

Since the end of last year, Wildfire has been intentionally writing and creating something really special for our College and parish community.

Please take a moment to view this video to learn what this exciting new project is, and stay tuned for more details on the release date.


Schools Vaccination Program


Each year, our College provides the venue for NSW Health to conduct the NSW Schools Vaccination Program. Students in Year 7 and Year 10 will have the opportunity to participate in the program on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June.

Students that have registered online and missed the first clinic will be notified by NSW Health via an SMS 3 days before the clinic. 

If you have not registered, you will not receive a notification. Please call or collect a paper copy consent envelope from our College Office. All information will need to be completed and the consent form hand-delivered to the nurse administering the vaccination on the day of the clinic.

Year 7 and Year 10 Vaccination Program Dates

Term 2

- Thursday 15 June 2023
• Year 7 for HPV dose 1 & Boostrix - catch up
• Year 8 HPV dose 2 - catch up

– Friday 16 June 2023
• Year 10 Nimenrix (meningococcal ACWY)
• Year 11 Nimenrix (Meningococcal ACWY) – catch up

Term 4 – Friday 13 October 2023

• Year 7 HPV dose 2
• Year 7 HPV dose 1 & Boostrix - catch up
• Year 8 HPV dose 2 - catch up
• Year 10 & 11 Nimenrix (meningococcal ACWY) catch up

In February of this year, families were notified about NSW Health changes to the process of collecting consent for their child to receive their vaccination at school. The following information is an overview of previously sent correspondence.

Online consent for school vaccinations

If your child is in Year 7 or Year 10 this year, you can now provide online consent for their routine school vaccinations.

• Year 7, students are offered free vaccines for diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTpa) and human papillomavirus (HPV).
• Year 10, students are offered the meningococcal ACWY vaccine.

Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received.

How to provide consent:

  1. To complete online consent for your child’s school vaccinations, visit:https://nswhealth.service-now.com/school
  2. Click the login with ‘Service NSW Account’ button and log in using your Service NSW details. This is the same account you may already use to renew your driver’s licence. If you don’t have a Service NSW account, refer to Service NSW to create one.
  3. Update or confirm your personal details in Service NSW as required.
  4. Complete the School Vaccination Consent Form for your child/ren.
    1. Enter your child’s personal details
    2. Provide the Medicare card details for you and your child
    3. Read the linked Parent Information Sheet and privacy statement
    4. Provide consent

If you or your child do not have a Medicare card, consent can still be provided by requesting a paper-based consent form directly from your child’s school.

Read a step-by-step guide on how to provide consent online. Translated guides are available in Arabic, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese.

For more information on routine school vaccinations, please visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/schoolvaccination.

Translated information about school vaccination is available in 27 languages, please visit www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/school_vaccination_language.aspx

Immunisation Year 7 Year 10

Cultural Activity with Year 8 Indigenous Mitjigans (Girls)

This week we had Aunty Deb Munson from Baagi Milaygiin visit to run a skincare and wellbeing workshop. The girls got to use and learn about Aunty Deb’s handmade natural products, made from traditional bush foods and medicinal herbs. This was a wonderful opportunity for us all to learn more about these products and their benefits, and Aunty Deb shared stories of her heritage and life. Thank you to Strong Spirits for providing us with this opportunity to learn and share culture.

Newcastle University School 2 Uni (S2U) Program for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students


On Thursday, Newcastle University visited our school to run their School 2 Uni (S2U) programs with our Year 7 - 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. These programs provide students with an insight into university life, including pathways programs, entry options and support information.

Leana from the Wollotuka Centre ran sessions relevant to each stage. Year 7 and 8 together, Years 9 and 10, and Years 11 & 12.

This was a great opportunity for our students to learn more about the opportunities open to them, build a relationship with the universities Wollotuka Institute, and ask any questions they may have.

If you would like further information, please take a look at the link below.


Carly Taylor
Indigenous Education Worker
Web Article Indigenous Education

Have you voted for your favourite artwork?

With over 450 entries in 2023 the A4Art Competition, it is the biggest art competition in the region! Our online voting for the Community Choice Award from our shortlisted artworks has set the internet ablaze with more than 4,200 votes already cast! Visit our online gallery at www.artsnest.com.au to cast your vote. The winner gets a Family Pass to Stoney Park!

The A4Art competition is run across all St Agnes’ Parish Schools and there are entry categories from Kindergarten students all the way up to Year 12 and Staff. Artists had to create an artwork by using just ONE A4 size piece of paper. Draw, paint, scribble, fold, sculpt, cut, mould, shred, or even write on the paper – any way the artist envisaged!

In Week 7 at our College, students will be able to visit the A4 Pop Up Exhibition, which will be set up on our Hall stage on Tuesday 6th & Wednesday 7th of June before it heads to the Community Art Walk event on Friday 9th June. This is an opportunity for students to view the finalists from the 450 entries this year and vote for their favourites. 


ArtWALK - Friday 9th June

Come and immerse yourself in the fabulousness of creativity at the ArtWALK

Back for a second year, the 2023 A4Art Prize Touring Exhibition will once again be inflated and showcased on Town Green East during ArtWalk Port Macquarie, 9th June 5pm-9pm. This year feel free to tour through this fun and immersive pop-up exhibition of 160 artworks and be sure to cast your vote, in person for your favourite finalist. Shortlisted artworks will once again be projected for the community to see.

We are also excited to announce St Agnes’ Education will once again be featured at ArtWalk musically with the St Agnes’ Drumline along with various ensembles. 

All winners of the 2023 A4Art Prize will be announced at a finalist event on June 22nd.

As a bonus, on the evening.... the New Zealand Band, Choir and Drumline will be performing at Art Walk on Friday 9th June.

Here are the times and where you will find them :

  • 5:00pm-9:00pm - A4 Art tent on Town Green lawn
  • 5:30pm- 6:pm SAPPS NZ Jazz Band and Choir on main Stage Clarence St
  • 7:00pm - SAPPS Drumline

This year's competition is sponsored by...

Sunset Framing & Gallery, The Seed Creative, Wauchope Creative Hub, Affinity Helicopters, Stoney Park, Innervision Surf & Skate, Alice In Paperland, Drawn To Art, Arthouse Industries, Eckersley's Art & Craft, Agostina, Cassegrain, Wildnets Adventure Park & St Agnes Education.


Representatives from Birdon Group, and the Australian Maritime College were on site this week to present and inform about careers in the maritime industry. Those who attended learnt about local opportunities with Birdon, courses and careers, the role of an engineer, and participated in a Q&A session.

Leanne Tinsey
Leader of Future Pathways


This week's Alumni is Davy Roe, Class of 2018

The arts and cultural sector is where former student Davy Roe is making huge advances since completing his Bachelor of Music degree with The University of Newcastle, Australia. Not only is he currently employed in media, but he has his own company Kree-8 Productions, and has had some of his music signed to Nektar Records. We could not be more proud of your efforts Davy!

#aHSC4opportunity #wherearetheynown #musician #eventplanner #media

Our second, Alumni for this week is Ethan Carter, Class of 2017
Former student Ethan Carter's commitment to improve the world through civil engineering is impressive. Couple that with his desire to 'give back', and you see a very committed Engineering graduate and an upstanding citizen. Ethan's summary is brief, but there is so much more happening behind the scenes. To name a few - involvement in the Engineers without Borders Challenge in 2018 where the goal was to improve roads in a rural Cambodian community, elected as a student representative member of the CSU Engineering Board where he contributed to ideas around future course marketing, structure and subject changes for the continued success of the degree and the faculty, and Co-Chair of the Young Professionals Committee in South Queensland. Congratulations Ethan. You are amazing!!
#engineer #wherearetheynow #aHSC4opportunity

The Hastings Education Fund was established to provide much needed financial assistance and support to local youth to help them achieve their post high school education, training and vocation aspirations. We recognise that the cost of regional students pursuing their post high school goals is often much greater than those of their metropolitan counterparts and that sometimes these costs can be prohibitive.

With this in mind, the Hastings Education Fund fundraises throughout the year and accepts donations from local residents and businesses in order to provide financial grants to students who need an extra helping hand. The funds come directly from your local community – none of it is government funded – celebrating the aspirations of local youth and working to help them achieve these aspirations. It’s our way of saying “we believe in you and want to support your goals.”

Each year the Hastings Education Fund arrange a charity golf day at the Port Macquarie Golf Club on Sunday the 4th June. For further information, please see the flyer below or visit their website https://cef.org.au/foundations/hastings/ or their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/hastingseducationfund


Hastings Education Fund

Volunteers Wanted


We cannot run the canteen without you; as the saying goes:

"Many Hands Make Light Work".

If you are able to spare an hour or so of your time, we would
love for you to join us.

Please contact Breeanna Stone through the College Office on 5525 4100.

Weekly Lunch Specials
Term 2 Week 7 Lunch Specials 
Monday Chicken Carbonara
Tuesday Hamburger
Wednesday Chicken BLT Wrap
Thursday Pizza - Meatlovers or Cheese
Friday Mexican Chicken Quesadilla's
Term 2 Week 8 Lunch Specials 
Monday Public Holiday
Tuesday Chicken Pesto Pasta
Wednesday Tandoori Chicken & Rice
Thursday Beef Burrito
Friday Gourmet Sausage Dogs

The Canteen opens at 8.00 am every school day.

CLICK HERE for the Canteen's everyday menu.

Breeanna Stone
Food Services Manager


Support students in their schooling life

The Kathleen Briscoe Tuition Scholarship directly supports students with proven financial need in our local Catholic schools. Scholarships help support students in their high school years by fully or partially covering their school fees for the full six years of education. What a wonderful gift for a deserving child! Would you like to help support someone's future?
Please consider donating to our Charity: Appeals – Giving (stagnesparish.org.au)
St Agnes' Parish News

St Joseph's Regional College has a number of different social media platforms. We would love for you to follow us.

Facebook logo.jpg
Twitter logo.jpg

St Joseph's Regional College

Website - https://www.pmreglism.catholic.edu.au/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRCPort

Instagram - @sjrcport

St Joseph's Regional College - 50 year Celebrations

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SJRC50years

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjr50years/

Digital Ministry

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sjrcdigitalministry


Website - https://pmreglism.libguides.com/home

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcexchange

Instagram - Instagram - @sjrcexchange


Website - https://www.sjrcportcareers.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sjrcportcareers

Administration News


1st Port Macquarie Sea Scouts are celebrating 90 years of Community Service in Port Macquarie. All ages are welcome to attend our 90th Birthday Celebration so come along and join in the festivities and try your hand at some of our challenging activities.

Sea Scouts do all the same activities that regular Scout groups do with an additional focus on maritime safety, skills and development.

We cater to all ages between 5 to 18 years and each separate age group meets once per week after school to undertake a variety of age relevant activities.

Enquiries can be mailed to; groupleader@1stportmacquarieseascouts.com


Community News